Simon Desue Betrug

Simon Desue Betrug – Wahrheit oder Falschmeldung?


Haben Sie schon von der Kontroverse um Simon Desue gehört? Der beliebte YouTuber und Influencer, gemeinsam mit Sami Slimani und Kim Lianne, wurde in eine Kontroverse verwickelt, die sich um eine gefälschte Spendenkampagne für eine Baum pflanzende Initiative dreht. Doch was steckt wirklich dahinter? Ist es ein Betrug oder nur eine Falschmeldung? Lassen Sie uns genauer hinschauen und die Wahrheit enthüllen.


  • Simon Desue, Sami Slimani und Kim Lianne haben eine gefälschte Spendenkampagne für eine Baum pflanzende Initiative unterstützt.
  • Die Influencer haben ihre Fans dazu ermutigt, Geld für „Team Trees“ zu spenden, um eine Million Bäume in Deutschland zu pflanzen.
  • Es stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass die Kampagne gefälscht war, mit Rechtschreibfehlern und gestohlenen Bildern auf der Spendenseite.
  • Die Influencer und ihre Managementgesellschaft behaupteten, dass sie von der Kampagne getäuscht wurden und versprachen, das Geld an die Spender zurückzuerstatten.
  • Das Ziel von einer Million Euro wurde nicht erreicht, es wurden nur etwa 10.000 Euro über eine Crowdfunding-Plattform gesammelt.
  • Die Influencer stehen jetzt in der Kritik, da sie anscheinend keine angemessene Recherche betrieben haben, bevor sie die Kampagne beworben haben.

The Controversy Surrounding Simon Desue’s Other Activities

Simon Desue, known for his presence on YouTube, has faced criticism and controversy surrounding his involvement in promoting questionable products and services. These controversies have raised questions about Desue’s credibility and the ethics of his online content.

One of the major controversies involved Desue advertising fake AirPods on his online shop. Customers accused him of using stolen photos and logos, which further fueled the criticism against him. This raised concerns about Desue’s integrity and the authenticity of the products he endorses.

Furthermore, Desue’s video course programs, such as the „Instagram University“ and the „10k Masterclass,“ have also come under fire. Critics claim that these courses provide misleading information and are ultimately a waste of money for those who enroll. Desue’s credibility took another hit when the access page for the „10k Masterclass“ was suddenly taken offline without any prior announcement, leaving many potential customers confused and frustrated.

These controversies have led to widespread criticism from Desue’s audience and the YouTube community as a whole. Many have expressed their disappointment and skepticism towards his activities, raising concerns about the impact on his reputation and the trust of his viewers.

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The controversy surrounding Simon Desue’s involvement in promoting fake products and questionable courses highlights the importance of authenticity and transparency in online content. It serves as a reminder for both influencers and their followers to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before endorsing or investing in any products or services.

The Impact of the Controversy on Simon Desue and the YouTube Community

Die Kontroverse um Simon Desues Beteiligung an der gefälschten Spendenkampagne und anderen fragwürdigen Aktivitäten hat Auswirkungen auf seinen Ruf und das Vertrauen seines Publikums gehabt. Viele Zuschauer haben das Vertrauen in Desue und seinen Content verloren, was zu einem Rückgang der Abonnenten und potenziellen finanziellen Verlusten durch verringerte Werbeeinnahmen geführt hat.

Die Kontroverse hat auch Diskussionen innerhalb der YouTube-Community über die Verantwortung von Influencern und die Notwendigkeit von Transparenz und Authentizität in Online-Inhalten ausgelöst. Einige argumentieren, dass die Kontroverse ignoriert werden sollte, um Desue keine zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit und Klicks zu geben, während andere glauben, dass es wichtig ist, betrügerisches Verhalten anzuprangern.

Letztendlich werden die Auswirkungen der Kontroverse auf Simon Desue und die YouTube-Community davon abhängen, wie Einzelpersonen darauf reagieren und ob Desue Schritte unternimmt, das Vertrauen seines Publikums wiederherzustellen.


Was Simon Desue in a controversy involving a fake donation campaign for a tree-planting initiative?

Yes, Simon Desue, along with Sami Slimani and Kim Lianne, were caught up in a controversy surrounding a fake donation campaign for a tree-planting initiative called „Team Trees.“

What did the influencers do in relation to the campaign?

The influencers urged their fans to donate money to „Team Trees“ in order to plant one million trees in Germany.

Was the campaign revealed to be fake?

Yes, it was later revealed that the campaign was fake, with spelling errors and stolen images on the donation page.

What did the influencers‘ management claim?

The influencers‘ management claimed that they were deceived by the campaign and stated that the money would be refunded to the donors.

Did the campaign reach its fundraising goal?

No, the goal of raising one million euros was not achieved, with only approximately 10,000 euros raised through a crowdfunding platform.

Has Simon Desue been involved in other controversies?

Yes, Simon Desue has been involved in other controversies such as promoting questionable products and services, advertising fake AirPods, and using stolen photos and logos on his online shop.

What criticisms have been made about Simon Desue’s video course programs?

Some of his video course programs, such as the „Instagram University“ and the „10k Masterclass,“ have been criticized for being misleading and a waste of money.

Has Simon Desue taken any action regarding the "10k Masterclass"?

Yes, the access page for the „10k Masterclass“ has been taken offline without any announcement.

How has the controversy impacted Simon Desue’s reputation and audience trust?

The controversy surrounding Simon Desue’s involvement in the fake donation campaign and other questionable activities has had an impact on his reputation and the trust of his audience, leading to a decrease in subscribers and potential financial losses through decreased advertising revenue.

What discussions has the controversy sparked within the YouTube community?

The controversy has sparked discussions within the YouTube community about the responsibilities of influencers and the need for transparency and authenticity in online content.

How should individuals respond to the controversy?

There are differing opinions on how individuals should respond to the controversy. Some argue that it should be ignored to avoid giving Desue more attention and clicks, while others believe it is important to call out deceptive behavior.

What will the impact of the controversy depend on?

The impact of the controversy on Simon Desue and the YouTube community will depend on how individuals choose to respond and whether Desue takes steps to rebuild trust with his audience.